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Shazada Husain BS Burhanuddin saheb DM Addressing AJS Marol

Aljamea tus Saifiyah, Marol- Insighful discussions with Shazada Husain BS Burhanuddin saheb DM.


Description: Aljamea tus Saifiyah, Marol: Insighful discussions with Shazada Husain BS Burhanuddin saheb DM

Shahzada Husain BS Burhanuddin Saheb DM engaged in a vibrant interactive session with kids, fostering wisdom and understanding.

Addressing the pursuit of excellence in temporal and spiritual realms, Shahzada Saheb emphasized the continuous quest for knowledge. Kids echoed insightful answers, recognizing that there's no endpoint in the journey of learning.

Exploring the significance of the hadeeth "طلب العلم فريضة," children highlighted the perpetual nature of seeking knowledge.

Responding to inquiries about time management for Quran hifz, Shahzada Saheb advised prioritizing tasks and allocating time efficiently.

When a child expressed demotivation in hifz, Shahzada Saheb encouraged reconnecting with Aqa Maula TUS for inspiration and restarting efforts when needed.

Addressing the question of suitable professions for girls, Shahzada Saheb emphasized that integrity should guide one's choices, making any profession acceptable.

This insightful session not only provided practical guidance but also instilled a sense of motivation and purpose among the children.

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