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Ummal Kiraam vists Rawdat al Quran al Kareem - Mumbai

Ummal Kiram and members from the Umoor Talimiyah committee visited Rawdat al Quran al Kareem - Mumbai.

Description: Rawdat al-Quran al-Kareem had the honor of hosting esteemed Ummal Kiraam and members from the Umoor Talimiyah committee today. Guided by Rawdat students, they explored various school facilities. Following an introduction to the school’s infrastructure, each department’s teachers provided brief insights and shared their teaching experiences. To conclude, Ummal Kiraam and Umoor Talimiyah committee members engaged in hands-on activities of library, art, science experiments and handwork. Departing with smiles, they received handmade photo frames as gifts from students, along with an invitation to the upcoming maaraz.

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